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This is a graph of a linear inequality The inequality y ≤ x 2 You can see the y = x 2 line, and the shaded area is where y is less than or equal to x 2 Linear Inequality A Linear Inequality is like a Linear Equation (such as y = 2x1) but it will have an Inequality like , ≤, or ≥ instead of an = How to Graph a Linear InequalityDescription plot (X,Y) creates a 2D line plot of the data in Y versus the corresponding values in X To plot a set of coordinates connected by line segments, specify X and Y as vectors of the same length To plot multiple sets of coordinates on the same set
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Solve for x and y 3/x 1/y 9 = 0, 2/x 3/y = 5 Sarthaks eConnect Largest Online Education CommunityIn this example, y = 1, and #1x4/3y=10/3# Substitute y = 1 and solve for x #x 4/3=10/3# #x = 6/3 or 2# Without showing you all of the steps (row operations), you probably don't have the feel for how to do this yourself!